I've been reading your blog ... Very nice pictures!! I have a random question -- how often would photographers photoshop to modify the picture? If they can take nice picture using the camer, what is the point to use photoshop ne??
Eumi, 你好~ photoshop哩一樣野有好有唔好... 基本上我係主張影完之後唔好執就最好... 但係有時會見到張相光暗層次可能有得改善... 先會用Photoshop拉下... 令張相對比度強D... 感覺會唔同晒~ 我成日都講... 化妝同整容係有分別o既~~~^-^~~~
好特别呀 !!!
天秤, 妳果一邊有冇哩一D環境可以見到?
这是从高处拍下去吗 ..... 我每次去这里的海边, 每遇过这呢 !!
天秤, 都係一個半山度影落去... 我果時係坐巴士... 而架巴山上緊山...^-^... 哩一條路我成日都會經過...
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I've been reading your blog ... Very nice pictures!! I have a random question -- how often would photographers photoshop to modify the picture? If they can take nice picture using the camer, what is the point to use photoshop ne??
Eumi, 你好~ photoshop哩一樣野有好有唔好... 基本上我係主張影完之後唔好執就最好... 但係有時會見到張相光暗層次可能有得改善... 先會用Photoshop拉下... 令張相對比度強D... 感覺會唔同晒~ 我成日都講... 化妝同整容係有分別o既~~~^-^~~~
好特别呀 !!!
天秤, 妳果一邊有冇哩一D環境可以見到?
这是从高处拍下去吗 ..... 我每次去这里的海边, 每遇过这呢 !!
天秤, 都係一個半山度影落去... 我果時係坐巴士... 而架巴山上緊山...^-^... 哩一條路我成日都會經過...
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