Hello Benedict, One of my friends told me this web site ! You have a good photo skills. Beacuse my DC has been broken recently, and I need to get a new one. Can you give me some advices ? Are the Panasonic FX series OK ? I don't need to a very fancy DC but a reliable one. Thanks for your advice...
Hello Benedict, One of my friends told me this web site ! You have a good photo skills. Beacuse my DC has been broken recently, and I need to get a new one. Can you give me some advices ? Are the Panasonic FX series OK ? I don't need to a very fancy DC but a reliable one. Thanks for your advice...
閒人, 我果時部機反應唔夠快丫... 唔係就係好好多啦...^-^;... Kitty, 如果妳想影相係用黎做記錄~ Panasonic FX都OK... 但係冇乜野可以玩到... 我就鐘意A-series可以有AV同TV mode丫~ 彈性大好多~~~^^~~~
係啦, 我成日都係咁...
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